Work with me

Get unstuck, move forwards and fully be you.

Introducing… Fully Be You

One-to-one wellbeing coaching

What’s involved?

  • Ease your busy mind using evidence-based approaches to untangling your thoughts.

  • Discover new perspectives and possibilities that will move you through the changes you seek. I have a lot of experience dealing with change in my life, health and career. It IS possible to work AND play and for neither to be hard.

  • Apply structured and helpful thinking to the issues you wish to address, in a non-judgmental space. You don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. I’m here rooting for you every step of the way.

  • Start trusting yourself and the decisions you make. Practice behaviours and techniques that get your mind working FOR you instead of adding to the overwhelm.

I do this work today to be the person I wish I had access to as a lost, young professional. Someone who can help sift the noise from what’s real and enable clearer thinking when everything feels overwhelming.

Private Coaching packages

  • Find your path to fully being you

    Fully Be You

    six month 1:1 coaching package that is spacious and nourishing.

  • Soothe your stress and get clarity

    Soothe and Sort It

    90-minute, laser-focussed coaching session which feels like a breath of fresh air.

Dr Helena Bridge

To have someone in my corner who could be a sounding board for my truthful thoughts (and understands them completely). I wanted a judgement free space away from medicine and my job to talk about it so this was a really perfect fit.

A. Yeh.

“If you are in a funk, Emily will bring you out. With her sincere desire to help others and her kind, empathetic approach there isn’t a problem she can’t help you shift focus on….my life has changed thanks to her redirection and insight.”


  • I currently only deliver online coaching. However, if you live near Surrey, UK, then in person is certainly possible. Contact me and we can chat.

  • I genuinely love this question because it’s one I used to ask myself a lot.

    I can help you BECAUSE I left my medical career. I am outside of the chaotic environment medics are often in. I have the headspace and distance to show you different perspectives.

    I put my energy into working with you and for you, not as your peer.

    I’m not here to tell you how to do your job. I am here to listen, ask questions and help you use your powerful brain to move yourself forwards in the area of life that’s feeling stuck.

    I can empathise. I have experienced working in healthcare. I have also been through times of extreme stress, huge change and feeling truly burnt out.

    No person’s story is the same and we all see life through a different lens of our experiences, beliefs and how our brains are wired.

    I look forward to putting you in the spotlight and walking alongside you on your journey to fully being you.

    I have CHOSEN to work with medics because I want to do what I can to lift up the lives of people saving others. Consider me a doctor’s advocate.

  • Currently there are no CPD (continuing professional development) points available for this coaching. This is time exclusively for you, with no input from any employers or educational supervisors.

  • This is a common question and understandably. There are many overlaps between the two. You may benefit from both, or one or the other.

    Ultimately it’s a personal decision, but if you’re unwell with a diagnosable condition, such as anxiety or depression, then seeking professional medical input is always preferable. If you’re not sure, we can discuss this more on a discovery call.

    You can read more in the “What is coaching” section.

  • I am a certified health and well-being coach, by Wellcoaches School of Coaching.

    I am a member of the International Coaching Federation, which means I will gain more credentials the more experience and ongoing training I do.

    I qualified with a Bachelor of Medicine (BM) * from The University of Southampton medical school in 2009. (I qualified as Emily Smith, my maiden name).

    I am also a certified teacher of English language to Adults (CELTA)

    *My GMC (General Medical Council) number is 6149930. You’ll see if you look me up that I am no longer on the register. Once I had not worked in clinical medicine for two years I decided I didn’t need or want to continue to pay fees to stay on the register.

  • Absolutely!

    If any of what you have read here resonates with you, please do get in touch and we can work out if I’m a good fit for you.

    As a coach, I am trained to work with anyone ready to make changes to any aspect of their life - career, relationships, lifestyle behaviours, so that they can thrive.

    Please do reach out and let’s talk.

  • Unfortunately there is currently no automated payment plan (but it’s coming!).

    However, if you decide to go ahead and work with me, we can certainly figure something out that works.

  • Yes!

    Medical students get a 15 % reduced rate on any of my coaching packages.

    Also, if you’ve already worked with me in my 3-month package, you get…

    • 30% off a Soothe and Sort It session

    • 15% off all future coaching packages with me

  • Choosing a coach is a personal decision. This is why I offer a free discovery call, so we can both get a sense of whether we would work well together.

    I have experienced the pressures of training and working as a doctor. It’s what drives me to work with doctors and other care-giving professionals.

    I left my medical career in 2009, which means I have a whole different perspective on life, outside of the complex medical world.

    I have lived in three countries and therefore been through big change in my life. I continue to learn from different cultures and diverse communities, and this really enhances my experience of the world, which I am obsessed with sharing with those who it can help.

    I am a mother, and becoming a parent has been and continues to be a huge journey in personal development.

    Most of all, coaching is what truly lights me up. It is where I feel most content and alive. And therefore, where you can benefit from all the energy, passion and positivity that I bring to each session.

    I have a deep desire to bring life-changing practical psychological tools to life-savers like you, so you can thrive.